Women Are Weavers

Women Are Weavers

– Women Are Weavers –


For thousands of years, women from all cultures across all lineages, have gathered together in community to weave.

Coming together with a unique intent, they would share stories, dreams, wishes, and visions for improved reality. They would solve challenges and unlock new life, through connection, common intent and shared joy.

Their stories, wishes and dreaming would continue to echo across time and space. Their weavings acting as record keepers and holders of intent, infusing future time and generations to come.

To this day, weaving remains an act of mystical co-creation, that embraces all directions and elements of life.

I’ve created this three day event, born from my own personal initiatory experiences, after learning the practical art of weaving in the Sacred Valley, Peru.

During Women Are Weavers ® you’ll learn the practical art of weaving earrings as talismans, layered with the richness of ceremonial practices I’ve personally channeled.

Once you’ve learned this art, you’ll have a personal practice you’re able to foster within your daily life, which will continue to weave you home.


“Women Are Weavers was a beautiful ceremonial journey of remembrance. Melissa’s space holding is gentle yet strong, fluid yet grounded, and I felt deeply held in her presence. I came into the experience with an intention to learn how to weave and came out of the journey with so much more than I could’ve imagined. I highly recommend this workshop/cauldron of transformation for anyone who is seeking to deepen into (True) Self and their relationship with all of existence. With a bow of gratitude.”

– Alyona Kobevka, ahealingbridge.com



– The Event –

Over three days, you’ll;

// Learn the skill and art of weaving earrings as talismans.

// Awaken your Weaving Consciousness

// Activate and nourish your inner Medicine Woman

// Receive practical tips + resources, so you’re able to continue weaving earring talismans once the workshop is complete.

// Experience the magic and medicine of weaving in company with other women.


If you are called to this work in a deep way, Women Are Weavers ® will unlock the mystery and magic of your ancestral lineage – those that mastered the sacred feminine art of wisdom weaving – within you.


The Women Are Weavers workshop was one of the most transformative experiences I’ve had. Melissa not only taught me to create talismans that I wear at my most special occasions, but she also held space for the deep inner work that comes with weaving.

– Tammy Guest, tammyguest.com




– Event Details –

This workshop is ceremonial by nature.

Created for women who feel called towards richness & depth.


Dates: Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th, Sunday 25th February, 2024.

Time: 10 am – 4 pm each day, with rest breaks.

Location: Bayside, Melbourne. Details to be confirmed.

Investment: $566.00 AUD


// All materials required to weave your talismans during the workshop

// Guidance, direction, and support throughout our time together

// Ceremonial space to gather with like hearted women.

// Inner-world journeying and practices to connect with your inner weaver.

// Supporting Resources; a video playlist (14 in total) of each key step in the weaving process + a downloadable list of materials and supplies, so you’re able to continue weaving with confidence, long after the workshop is complete.

Once you’ve attended the workshop, a password will be provided to enable access to Supporting Resources.

Payment plans are available upon request.


Book your place at Women Are Weavers, here

If you’re feeling called to this work, it will be an honour to share the mystery, magic and power, with you.


For more information, or to discover how to host your own Women Are Weavers ceremonial event, get in touch: [email protected]

In soul wellness,

Melissa x